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I have the following domains:
- Domain 0: {site0.com}
- Domain 1: {site1.com}
- Domain 2: {site2.org}
- Make sure you set up databases for all the domains you will be using.
- Set up your main site {site0.com} like you would normally.
- Go to your domain and install Drupal on your main domain. I installed it under:
/home/{user}/{site0.com} - Create a directory in the sites/ directory for each of your domains.
My sites directory (/home/{user}/{site0.com}/sites/) looks like this:{site0.com}/ {site1.com}/ {site2.org}/ default/ all/ README.txt example.sites.php
- Copy the /sites/default/default.settings.php file to each of the domain directories in sites and rename it to settings.php
- Delete the directory in your account directory that Dreamhost created when it created your domain. Do NOT delete {site0.com} directory
- /home/{user}/{site1.com}
- /home/{user}/{site2.org}
- While SSH'ed into your account, run the following command (for {site1.com}, {site2.org}, etc):
ln -s /home/{user}/{site0.com} /home/{user}/{site1.com} ln -s /home/{user}/{site0.com} /home/{user}/{site2.org}
- Copy non-secure settings
- Go into the Dreamhost web panel
- Click the HTTPS settings
- Check "Copy non-secure settings" and click "Edit https now!"
- Go to your domains and test